
For information on how the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd meets faith-formation goals of the Catholic Church, please visit the CGSUSA website page on that topic.

Consider us your off-site atrium

Whether you lack the space for an atrium at your parish or just want to provide the children of your parish another opportunity for faith formation, the atria at the GSCC are available for you! We can send you bulletin blurbs about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and discuss options with your DRE.

If you would like to set up an atrium at your parish, we can support your catechists through the process. They can intern in our atrium and we can advise them in setting up and making materials.

Involve everyone in faith-formation

There are many opportunities to be involved - help in setting up and maintaining the atrium, volunteering in the atrium or attending sessions for children or adults.

When more people are involved in faith formation, the faith grows in importance and credibility for the children.